Truck Accident

Commercial Truck Accident Attorney

A commercial truck accident attorney is a lawyer who specializes in handling cases involving truck accidents. They have extensive knowledge and experience in navigating the complex legal issues involved in these types of cases, including insurance laws, trucking regulations, and the rights of victims. They provide legal representation to individuals who have been injured in an accident involving a commercial truck and help them to recover compensation for their losses. This may include medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages incurred as a result of the accident. A commercial truck accident attorney will work tirelessly to ensure that their clients receive the compensation they deserve and that the responsible parties are held accountable for their actions.

Commercial truck accidents can occur for various causes, but some of the more frequent ones are driver mistakes, mechanical failure, and an unequal load. Even though these reasons are not all the same, they can all have terrible consequences and lead to the need for a commercial truck accident attorney. Driver fatigue is one of the most common causes of crashes, and fatigue can lead to miscalculations and misjudgments – as well as a failure to maintain control of the massive vehicle. Driver distraction and aggressive driving can also cause disastrous results. Finally, improperly maintained trucks may not be roadworthy in some cases, which can lead to catastrophic accidents.

What is a commercial truck accident attorney?

A commercial truck accident attorney is a lawyer who specializes in handling cases involving truck accidents. They provide legal representation to individuals who have been injured in an accident involving a commercial truck and help them to recover compensation for their losses.

What kind of cases do commercial truck accident attorneys handle?

Commercial truck accident attorneys handle cases involving accidents involving commercial trucks, such as tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, and other large commercial vehicles.

What kind of compensation can a commercial truck accident attorney help me recover?

A commercial truck accident attorney can help you recover compensation for various losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred as a result of the accident.

What should I do if I’ve been involved in a truck accident?

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, you should seek medical attention immediately, gather evidence from the scene of the accident, and contact a commercial truck accident attorney as soon as possible.

How long do I have to file a truck accident claim?

The time you have to file a truck accident claim depends on the state in which the accident occurred. Typically, you have between 2-3 years from the date of the accident to file a claim.

How much does it cost to hire a commercial truck accident attorney?

Many commercial truck accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. In such cases, there is usually no upfront cost to the client. If the attorney is paid an hourly rate, the client may be responsible for paying their fees and expenses.

How do commercial truck accident attorneys prove fault in a truck accident case?

Commercial truck accident attorneys will use various methods to prove fault in a truck accident case, including reviewing police reports, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing the physical evidence from the scene of the accident. They may also consult with experts in the field of trucking and accident reconstruction.

Most Common Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents

Inexperienced drivers

Many trucking accidents are unintentional and unpredictable. For example, drivers make judgment errors, drive too fast for road conditions, or fail to leave enough space to avoid an accident. Other causes of commercial truck accidents involve vehicle malfunctions, such as bald tires or faulty brakes. Although truckers may be liable for the damage they cause, other at-fault parties can also include motorists or the municipality responsible for maintaining the road.

Many crashes caused by truck drivers involve mistakes made by inexperienced or inattentive drivers. Tired drivers may make mistakes in judgment or speed or fail to recognize obvious road hazards. They also might be distracted or aggressive while driving. And they may not know road safety rules or procedures, making them vulnerable to fatigue and crashing into other cars. These causes of truck accidents increase the likelihood of fatalities.

Vehicle malfunctions

Many accidents involving commercial trucks occur because of mechanical issues. Because these trucks are larger and heavier than a regular passenger cars, they have many moving parts. If one of those parts malfunctions, the truck may lose control and cause an accident. If one of these trucks runs at excessive speeds, it could run off the road, injuring several people. In other accidents, the truck driver may be distracted by something other than driving. Distracted driving has become a common cause of commercial truck accidents.

Several factors contribute to large truck accidents. Besides vehicle malfunctions, other factors include driver fatigue and safety defects. Fatigue is one of the leading causes of truck accidents. The driver may be tired and react to traffic events in an overreacting manner. Other contributing factors include faulty tires and cargo that shifts during a trip. The motor carrier may be liable for this accident if the trucker is negligent. Other at-fault parties include the other motorists on the road or the municipality that maintains the road.

Uneven loads

An unbalanced cargo load is one of the most common causes of commercial truck accidents. It causes the truck to make sloping turns, requires extra braking energy, and makes it harder to accelerate. Uneven loads can also result in innocent drivers being hit by the truck’s unexpected handling difficulty. Whether a truck driver was negligent in loading the cargo or not, unbalanced loads are a major contributor to commercial truck accidents.

An uneven load can cause a truck to tip over or be thrown over by the cargo inside. Even an experienced driver can become a victim of an unbalanced load. Truck drivers are responsible for keeping their vehicles in good condition, and failure to do so can lead to serious accidents. Unbalanced cargo can also pressure a big rig’s doors, causing cargo to fall off in the middle of the trip.

Distracted driving

A recent study by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) found that distracted driving was the leading cause of commercial truck accidents. Drivers who were distracted while driving were 23 times more likely to cause an accident than drivers who were not distracted. It is because even a three-second action can cover the distance of three football fields. Distracted drivers were also more likely to be at fault in multi-vehicle crashes. Drivers must avoid distractions while driving, but this is more difficult to achieve when distracted. Truckers spend long hours behind the wheel and may rely on entertainment to keep awake. In addition to being distracted by electronic devices, drivers may be engaged in visual distractions such as texting or reading a billboard. If a truck driver becomes distracted during a commercial trip, the consequences could be disastrous.


Many factors contribute to the risk of a truck accident, but the most significant one is driver impairment. Commercial truck drivers, especially intoxicated ones, are less likely to pay attention than sober drivers. Impaired truck drivers often fail to see their mirrors or do not yield the right of way to other drivers. Other factors contributing to truck accidents caused by intoxication include drowsiness, speeding, and traveling too fast for the weather.

Drivers distracted by cell phones, GPS systems, or personal devices are often the primary culprit in these deadly accidents. Truck drivers may not pay attention to the road and may fall asleep behind the wheel. Distracted drivers are more likely to make fatal mistakes such as merging without checking blind spots or speeding suddenly. Additionally, drivers may not know the speed limit or turn signals. Intoxication can also impair a driver’s reaction time, distance perception, motor skills, and general driving judgment.

Unfamiliarity with the road

Almost 22 percent of all truck accidents are caused by the driver’s lack of familiarity with the roads they’re traveling on. This lack of road knowledge can result in a distracted driver who may take shortcuts or make a wrong turn. Unfamiliar roads also have significant alterations, resulting in truck collisions. In such cases, a commercial truck accident attorney can greatly assist.

Another major factor that contributes to truck accidents is human error. According to the Large Truck Crash Causation Study, 22% of large truck accidents are caused by drivers unfamiliar with the road. While governments can improve road conditions, better driver training is the best way to reduce truck accidents. Fortunately, numerous solutions are available to truck drivers. This article will discuss some of the most common human errors that can lead to truck accidents.

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